New month, new producers bringing quality produce to add interest to your menus….
We welcome gorgeous Rainbow Trout from Noojee Alpine Trout Farm, which is located at the southern entrance to the Snowy Mountains. Taking advantage and care of the pristine waters flowing directly from the nearby mountains, the Batarilo family have been equally committed to doing the best by their farmed fish, knowing this results in better quality as well better output. They put less stress on their fish through lower stocking levels and keeping water temperatures cooler, which also results in no need for antibiotic use. Goodfish: Australia’s Sustainable Seafood Guide rates farmed Rainbow Trout as Amber (‘Eat Less’).

We also welcome a South Australian source of Southern Calamari and King George Whiting from Jarrod Day, a third-generation fisher and proud custodian of the sea. Jarrod is a single-man fishery operating out of Port Lincoln. From this location, he draws upon the Great South Australian Coastal upwelling system, with its cold, nutrient-rich water and nearby soft rock and coral formations, which create a perfect home for a variety of high-quality wild catch seafood. Both of these products are rated Green (‘Better Choice’) by Goodfish: Australia’s Sustainable Seafood Guide.