We’re thrilled to welcome two new producers this November, Ben Cameron and Paul Polacco, offering fresh and sustainable seafood, respectively Pacific Oysters and Queen Scallops.
The Camerons have been in the oyster industry for over 30 years, operating in the pristine water of Southern Tasmania. To guarantee the highest quality, the Cameron Family became the first fully vertically-integrated oyster farm in Australia. This means they take care of the complete process, from hatching the baby larvae to harvesting the fully grown oysters. Oysters acquire the flavors of their surrounding environment, meaning the cleaner the water, the fresher the taste. The business’ sea-based leases are amongst the cleanest in Australia as the area is surrounded by native forests on one side, and pristine water direct from Antarctica on the other, meaning there are no pollution sources.

Similarly, Paul’s scallops also come from an idyllic and uncontaminated area, Kangaroo Island in South Australia. Paul has been diving for Queen scallops off Kangaroo Island for over 12 years, and he is one of the three people who hold the license to harvest this produce in all of Australia. This elusive species is only currently fished by hand diving, a more sustainable method compared to dredging, commonly used to source commercial scallops.

We’re sure your clients will love them as much as we do!